People crossing street in New York City
Photo credit: Julia Xanthos Liddy, 2019

April 3, 2024

Brookdale to receive congressional funding for the SOAR-CCS reentry support program

Brookdale is excited to receive earmark congressional funding for the newly created Supporting Older Adults in Reentry to Create Community Strength (SOAR-CCS) program to help older New Yorkers returning from prison successfully reintegrate into their communities.

We are grateful to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for investing in this work through the FY24 appropriations bill. With these funds we will launch the SOAR-CCS program to help formerly incarcerated older adults mitigate challenges with health, chronic disease, and other social and economic issues, so that they are well positioned to use the skills they have acquired to make positive contributions to their communities.

This program brings Brookdale together with JASA, one of the city’s largest providers of services to older adults; the Osborne Association, a provider of services to people returning from prison; advocates from Release Aging People in Prison (RAPP); and service providers from from the Parole Preparation Project. Our partnership with these leading organizations pairs the expertise of formerly incarcerated older adults themselves with leading older adult services providers and researchers.