People crossing street in New York City
Photo credit: Julia Xanthos Liddy, 2019

April 14, 2021

Brookdale sponsors Mayoral Forum on the Future of Aging in NYC, hosted by LiveOn NY and City Limits

New York City mayoral hopefuls Eric Adams, currently the Brooklyn borough president; Kathryn Garcia, former commissioner of the NYC Department of Sanitation and head of GetFoodNYC; and businessman Ray McGuire participated in the April 14 forum, which was attended by more than 500 people. Shaun Donovan, former secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under President Barack Obama, and Scott Stringer, current NYC comptroller, joined the panel for part of the duration. The forum covered a wide range of topics, including affordable housing, transportation, internet access, and age discrimination.

Allison Nickerson, executive director of LiveOn NY, gave opening remarks and Jarrett Murphy, editor in chief of City Limits, was the moderator. Other sponsors were AARP New York, Citymeals on Wheels, New York Academy of Medicine, and United Neighborhood Houses.

Watch the video.

Read coverage at City Limits.