
Cumulative Disadvantage Literature Review

For further information please contact

Mark Brennan-Ing

Cumulative disadvantage can be stated simply as “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer” (Merton, 1968). The theory of cumulative disadvantage helps us to better understand how social advantages and disadvantages increase over the life course. This process works by either strengthening or limiting access to future benefits and opportunities for individuals, families, and communities. We need to understand why and how social, economic, and health inequalities increase as people grow older. Brookdale researchers are conducting a systematic review of the cumulative disadvantage literature to better understand this situation. We conducted a search of the cumulative disadvantage literature since 1990. This search identified over 400 articles. We are currently screening articles to include in our review. Once we have a final pool of research articles, we will examine how well the theory of cumulative disadvantage is supported by the research. Understanding cumulative disadvantage helps us to know where and when we can best intervene to support equity across the life course. This work will guide Brookdale’s ongoing policy and program development on aging.