
ROAH: Research on Older Adults with HIV

For further information, please contact

Mark Brennan-Ing

Brookdale is collaborating with the ACRIA Centers at GMHC on their multi-city Research on Older Adults with HIV (ROAH) 2.0 study. ROAH 2.0 is designed to assess the needs of this population to inform policy and program development. Dr. Mark Brennan-Ing, director of research and evaluation, serves as co-principal investigator of ROAH 2.0. Supported by the M∙A∙C AIDS Fund, The New York Community Trust, The New York State AIDS Institute, the City of San Francisco, State of California, Gilead Sciences, and the AIDS Foundation of Chicago, data have been collected in New York City and State, the San Francisco Bay Area, and Chicago, IL, and data analysis is ongoing. A white paper covering the San Francisco arm of the study was published in 2018.

The ROAH Africa project adapted the ROAH survey for use in Uganda and South Africa in 2013–2015. We have disseminated some of this research in several chapters of Aging with HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa: Health and Psychosocial Perspectives, and in an article in Innovation in Aging.