2025 Benefits Checklist for Older Adults

The 2025 Benefits Checklist for Older Adults is an essential resource for anyone who advises or assists older adults in New York State—from lawyers, accountants, and financial advisers to social workers, nurses, and doctors. Professionals involved in shaping elder care law and policy or overseeing services for older adults will also find the Benefits Checklist useful.

The chart was updated February 28, 2025.

The document is formatted as a 6-page chart linking to a longer document with more in-depth information.

Benefits Checklist chart

Full Benefits Checklist

The Benefits Checklist includes the latest changes to Medicaid and Medicare Savings Programs in New York State. It describes the benefits provided, eligibility criteria, and income and resource limits for the following programs:

  • Medicare (plus Medicare Savings Programs, Extra Help, and Medigap)
  • Medicaid
  • EPIC drug coverage
  • Social Security (plus SSDI, SSI)
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)
  • Heating and Cooling Assistance (HEAP)
  • Con Ed Low-Income Discount
  • Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE)
  • New York State School Tax Relief (STAR)
  • Partial Tax Exemption for Real Property of Senior Citizens (SCHE)
  • Claim for Real Property Tax Credit

The checklist also identifies the government agencies that process applications and provides contact information.

While much of the information in the checklist is specific to applying for benefits in New York State, elder care professionals in other states will find information of value and may want to adopt the format for use in their own state.